Cartoons Friday!
A dozen or so hot political cartoons, plus Allison Russell on Colbert last night and Kurosawa's Macbeth.
Another edition of our popular potshot feature, but first a musical highlight, Allison Russell on the Colbert show last night, with one of her autobiographical classics. If you have not subscribed, please do so now, it is still somehow free.
Friday On (and Out of) Our Minds
The new Denzel Macbeth starts streaming this weekend, but here’s a reminder of an earlier classic from The Master, with Toshiro in the role….Note: Kurosawa had that castle built at great cost and time, then noticed that the nails were not quite authentic for that period so had the whole thing re-built. No CGI, folks.
Beautiful song by Allison Russell!
These were some particularly excellent cartoons!