You've got a believer in me, Greg. I share your newsletters everyday on Twitter and Facebook.

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yes, I've noticed on Twitter, thanks....

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Greg, thanks for posting Lyle Lovett doing Guy Clark's 'Step Inside This House'. Just before the record with this song on it was released, I saw Guy play at the Mucky Duck, a club in Houston. Lyle walked in during the show, and Guy called him up to the stage to do a couple of songs, one of which was 'Step Inside...'. Near the end of the first verse, Guy's head jerked upward, and when Lyle finished the song, Guy said something like, 'wow, that was the first song I ever wrote, and I didn't recognize it right away.'

I highly recommend the new film about Guy and Susanna Clark and Townes Van Zandt, 'Without Getting Killed or Caught'.

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Hi Greg ... I'm a shy commenter .... Thank you for you daily posts ... I love your summary of the day's happenings and massively enjoy your musical insights and shares ... you are reintroducing and introducing me to sounds that are so well worth listening to .. having your personal perspective, makes it all the more pleasurable ... this avid reader thanks you, Katherine

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The Ochs vid incredible, Greg. What a talent. What a loss.

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