I love your newsletter. Was born in 1948 and subscribed to Crawdaddy and the music pieces are worth the read alone. The daily added commentary is a huge plus. Thank you, thank you. I don’t know how you could sustain a daily newsletter but I’ll read it religiously however often you sent it out; just don’t stop.

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thanks, no plans to stop or cut down to less than 6 times a week (for now)...

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I enjoy the content very much: the variety, the humor, the political slant, and the links to those vintage video performances, many of which I'd never seen. I open all of the emails and look forward to their daily delivery. If I'm too busy one day, I catch up the next. The longer profiles have been great: informative career-spanning looks at artists I've long loved and admired. The memoir excerprs are especially enjoyable. Yes, I'm happy to pay for great entertainment and would like to acknowledge the hard work and time you put into these newsletters.

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Thanks for that Wally, and previous support. My "Atomic Cover-up" film premieres this weekend, if you'd like to watch I can send link but you'd have to give me your email. Mine is: epic1934@aol.com

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I enjoy your emails and the scope of the information you write about. Read them most days.

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Hi, Greg. Thanks for your hard work and persistence! I open all of them and read or at least skim most of the contents. A little less than daily would be preferable since I start to feel swamped by newsletters sometimes. I don't tend to comment online very much in general, although I am trying to be more present on FB and IG since publishing my book. I* admire your platform.

Content: The daily political cartoons? Love these.

Content: The daily news/political short takes and humor? Enjoy these a lot too.

Content: The daily music (songs and videos); The profiles in music? I am not very musical and never have been. But some of the back-in-the-day profiles and songs do make even me nostalgic.

Content: Excerpts from my memoir (so far my first concert, re-launching Crawdaddy, interviewing Ray Davies, driving with Springsteen to my hometown). Yes.

Would you be willing to pay a very small amount each month or annually to continue to receive this newsletter? If so, how much? Nope, sorry.

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I'm on a zillion daily content lists, but I find yours the one I tend to read the most completely. The combination of subject matter and style is excellent, and the varying length of different pieces always feels appropriate. I did try contacting you as I was also at MSG to watch the Ali-Forman fight, and did some writing about that I thought you might appreciate. Don't know if that reached you or not, so my only comment would be that it would be nice to be able to communicate with you more easily, given how much we overlap in era and interests. zog@thezog.com

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Thanks, don't recall receiving your note but will check more carefully in the future. Feel free to correspond and thanks for the kind words.

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No problem! I just mentioned that I was also at the Garden for the Ali Foreman fight. We were worried for Ali’s safety, and breathed relief after every round he survived. Then I began to notice that after Foreman punched himself out in the first two minutes of each round, Ali countered, off the rope-a-dope, in the last minute. At that point in the 8th round I turned to my friend and said, this is the point where Ali counters. And sure enough!! It was a brilliant strategy, all the more so for being so unexpected. That night all around New York people were walking the streets shouting “Al-eeee.” Stunning. I’m pretty much your era, so a lot of your references really resonate. (As someone who used to work light shows backstage at the Fillmore — specializing in reflecting crinkled foil!)

As mentioned, really enjoy your posts. Good memories and insights capturing the strange days we inhabit.


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I read all of your posts. Maybe not on the day you sent them, but I do read them.

I try to comment when I feel like I have something to add. Frankly, I think having a robust and interactive comment section is something that takes time to build. And, as the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for. Given the vitriol and anger that plays out in most comment sections, having a somewhat quiet and small band of commenters might be preferable.

Now, let's look at content.

The music profiles? Amazing. I eat up every word and watch every vid, listen to every song.

Your memoir? Same. I devour it. I wish I had either been born several decades earlier so I could have enjoyed all of the same music and experiences in real-time, or had followed my heart and devoted myself to being either a music writer or political journalist.

The cartoons are fun. A nice interlude.

The political stuff? I'll be blunt here: needs some work. You often cite stuff from outlets that I would not have otherwise seen. But generally your takes and the items you are presenting are stuff I see elsewhere. Were I your editor, I wold encourage you keep up with the stuff out of the mainstream and to offer more original commentary. In other words, set yourself apart and do what everyone else is NOT doing. Bring something to the conversation that people are not already saying. Like the piece you wrote for the NYT on "Mank" and the Sinclair-Merriam race. You were the only one who could provide original insights like that. More of that!

Frequency? Maybe every other day. We all subscribe to a lot of stuff and keeping up can be tough. I'd rather focus on a few things that I know are going to deliver value when I read them. Both for your sanity and our email in-boxes, scaling back might not be the worst thing. (But that doesn't mean that if you continue daily dispatches I won't still read everything!)

Would I pay a subscription fee? Definitely.

I have been a fan of yours since "Campaign of the Century" and think it is one of the best books on politics written. Also loved "The Tunnels." You have a unique skill to find and tell stories that we might not otherwise know. That's what you bring and why I read Between Rock and a Hard Place.

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Thanks for the lengthy response and kind words. It's hard to judge what the average reader gets to in wide-ranging media out there (even, say, from the NY Times, and then you have sites that I subscribe to and have access where most don't). But, true, material sure to be new to most should be a priority...thanks again.

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I read your email everyday and find it enjoyable, funny at times and educational. Keep up the good work. and DON’T CHANGE A THING..

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Really enjoying your posts Greg. Great comment. Great clips. Keep it rollin'!

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Like this a lot so far. I think 6 days instead of seven. Have been able to catch the Saturday profiles, but only 1-2 a week of the dailies. Not your fault. Time-pressed. Love when i get to it. Thanks, Greg.

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Thank you for creating such a lively and interesting newsletter. I most like the variety of topics that you cover, and most especially the music items. I'm perfectly fine with the 6 days, but would understand that everyone needs some time off and if you went to 5 that would be OK. Seven days was too much. I open the e-mail daily but do not comment because I'm just that way. So keep up the good work. By the way, Rich Lee at St. Bonaventure directed me to your newsletter and I was thrilled. Great job fellow J-grad!

Stephen Cocca

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Very simple and general: What do you like or not like about the content of the newsletter? Ways to improve?I love the wide-ranging discussions ... of topics, people and plces, but especially detailed recaps of my own long life's events, especially the 60s and 70s. So much I didn't know or had forgotten. I also have had a long interest in the whole atomic issue, especially in my case the testing at Maralinga, Australia and how the Aborigiinal people of that place were treated AND their ongoing dispossession etc


Frequency: prefer 7 days, 6 days, or less, and why?

Whenever you feel like it is fine with me, though it seems a punishing schedule for you. I am retired, so have the time and enjoy reading.


How often do you actually open the email? Why do you not bother on some or many days?

Most days I read ... and ofte repost particular items to twitter.

If I am too busy, I just leave it for later (eg I often do long road trips alone, and so come back to read them (and re-read) much later).


If you rarely or never bother to Comment on anything—why?

I rarely have anything to add ... but if something is significant I tend to coment on Twitter

LOVE The daily political cartoons and would wish you might check some Australian work ... can offer suggestions if you wish.

The daily news/political short takes and humor?

All good; Australian news is Murdoched (even, now courtesy of our own GOP-like Federal Government what was once our independent pubic broadcaster though oNLY the news dept ... the others are doing phenomenal wor k ... eg #4Corners and our AG Porter ... worse than your Barr as a person imo)


Content: The daily music (songs and videos)?

Music: Wish to see less of some types of music and more of others?

Content: The profiles in music (so far, Leonard Cohen, Sam Cooke, Joni Mitchell). And who would you most like to see profiled in the future?

Maybe Australia's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judy_Small

Content: Excerpts from my memoir (so far my first concert, re-launching Crawdaddy, interviewing Ray Davies, driving with Springsteen to my hometown).

Would you be willing to pay a very small amount each month or annually to continue to receive this newsletter? If so, how much?

I should, but cannot ... am flat strapped trying to support Australian independent media ...

Thank YOU!

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I open all of them, but often skim through. If it's loaded with lots of videos--all of which are good--it would take too much of precious time to watch. But the career coverage days have been a delight. I agree with others who suggest less is more. Take a couple days off. The basic problem of course is that we are overwhelmed these days with information and other bloggers/vloggers/texters/instagramers demanding our attention. If we read a major newspaper, we are likely to know what going on in politics, so I skip those parts. Your personal stories are always my favorite, and being at the epicenter of the early rock years is a great strength for this and for the eventual memoir. In general, BRHP is very well done, which makes me think you stay up late. A fundraising sage once told me that most investors don't necessarily put their money into a specific object of their interest, but rather their money goes to a person of their interest, someone they like and respect, which makes the personal touch all the more important. I'd pay. Guardian model seems right.

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I'm so impressed with the newsletter, Greg. Wonderful writing, delightful curation, and breadth and depth.With so much content on Substack around, this is a real breath of fresh air. I don't get to read the whole thing every day, but I've really loved what I have read. I also enjoy the links to late night comic bits a lot; I'm not so crazy about the political cartoons. I've loved getting a peak into the vault of your institutional memory of the music biz, (and the profiles, esp. Joni) and I hope you continue at least four times a week. I'd pay $25 a year.

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No changes needed as far as I'm concerned. Cheers!

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I check this out most days and really enjoy the mix of music, insight, and sometimes offbeat videos. The feature artists are particularly fine - Cohen, Joni Mitchell, etc. and the videos are often those I haven't seen before. The politics are on the money, your plugs for your books and films are helpful - fine with me, and it's an overall excellent piece. As for paying, then I have to move from "might" read to "have to" read, which puts pressure on me. It's why I don't read the NY Times anymore. Too much "must" read. I suggest you use The Guardian model. Offer subscription or request for donations from time to time (pay what you want or nothing at all). And, maybe take Monday's off.

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Greg, Love the newsletter. Go 6 days a week--give yourself a break! I read and enjoy every day. The politics (which I agree with) keeps me up-to-date on events, which is appreciated. The music videos are informative and many I send links to my brother and friends, which stimulates great conversation. I also appreciate the forum to comment, as it is good for the soul to be able to express oneself, so,, thank you. I am looking forward to your upcoming memoir on your history and experiences with our cultural heroes and have enjoyed all entries. Finally, I appreciate your quick response to any comments made or questions asked, and this from a guy who was in on groundbreaking work of serious rock journalism and has spent serious time with Lennon and "Brucie" and actually saw Dylan (your first concert) during this historic era. And, yes, I would contribute financially to your work.

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