Well I love your blog, and you gotta keep on. I’d pay. Will have to get AMC now for “Kevin...” also Better Call Bob Odenkirk. The Neil Young song is fantastic: Neil’s working the camera, the clueless crowd, and the fashion statement of the veejays. Priceless.

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thanks so much, Julie

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Like other commenters: Slow down or even charge for this portal. It's great. Always entertaining and informative. I will get busy sharing it and posting it in different places. I shouldn't be greedy.

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thank you

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I usually read your excellent newsletter in my email and haven't thought to share it on Twitter. My bad. Cut back if you must but please don't stop!

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I won't

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Greg, I read 5 different news letters daily from Axios to Punchbowl News and yours is the most interesting and the one I look forward to the most. Keep up the good work! If you need to cut back that’s ok, just don’t discontinue Between Rock and a Hard Place.

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I remember it vividly

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I also read (almost every day) , love and recommend to others your email. Everyone who checks it out is glad they did. That said, reducing the issues to less than 1 each day may actually be an advantage to some readers - not to mention to you!

A bit less is OK, but please don't stop!!

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thanks, Mark

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Whatever makes you happy, Greg, but I read everyday, amd would continue to do so.

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thank you

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“They weren’t rioting. It doesn’t look like an armed insurrection when you have people that breach the Capitol, and I don’t condone it, but they’re staying within the roped lines in the Rotunda. That’s not what armed insurrection would look like.”

When will some media type immediately reply, “Senator, what would possess you to prostitute yourself so profoundly to say something that is so demonstrably false””?”

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Between Rock and a Hard Place is great, but maybe less days. My mornings are so crowded that I usually don't get to read it until later in the day. But please keep going. It's one of the best newsletters available.

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Greg, I love what you do and I'm sure that I am far from alone but I think your "less is more" idea is sound. Take it easy on yourself and spread the goodies around!

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I’d go farther. I’d say that Louis Armstrong is the greatest artist America has ever produced.

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quite likely

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